
Memory Vistas is a collaboration between photographer Kyle Worthy and writer Leah Worthy. The project combines words and imagery with family ephemera to create pieces that tell real and imagined stories inspired by the places that have invited us to see the past, and the ones we love, afresh.

Through a series of projects that combine text and image, we will share our family history and family lore, the real and imagined stories that were inspired by the people and places we love. 

We hope you’ll join us for the ride. Who knows? Maybe you’ll find pieces of your own past along the way.

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Memory Vistas is a collaboration between photographer Kyle Worthy and writer Leah Worthy that examines our relationship with memory through image and text. We hope you’ll join us for the ride.


I’m a photographer based in Charlotte, NC and currently working in the American southeast. I am most interested how photography and memory relate to one another.
Leah Worthy is a writer based in Charlotte, NC where she works in marketing. She received her MFA in creative writing from Queens University of Charlotte. In her spare time, she can be found on a horse.